Welcome to Sailing Spice Blog

Step 1: Buy a boat, Step 2: ?, Step 3: Profit!

We are sailing around the world. We have a lot to learn and a lot to do. We have limited experience with crusing boats, having spent a sum total of less than two weeks doing overnight cruises. We have to sell a house and a house full of things. We must aquire new skills and the things we need for a world-cruising expedition. Fortunately, lots of people have done this before and many share their advice. So for the last year, we’ve read books and watched sailing YouTube channels to learn from others. We bought Spice, an Outremer 51, in October of 2020. We have made slow but steady progress on fixing and upgrading Spice, while practicing sailing and cruising. And now, we are preparing our blog so we can document and share our adventures with you. Below we list a few of the topics we plan to cover in this blog.

Spice Logo


Circumnavigation will take about 5 years to complete. We will start in the Salish Sea to learn how to cruise. In August or September of 2022, we will head south along the west coast visiting San Fracisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. We plan to go to Disney Land, Hogwarts and will visit friends and family in Southern California. In November, we head to Mexico, Panama and then to Galpagos. From there we head west 3,000 miles to Marquesas. After about 6 months in the South Pacific tropics, we will will head south to New Zealand for 2 to 3 months to avoid cyclone season and to close out 2023. 2024 will start with Australia, perhaps New Caladonia and certainly the Great Barrier Reef. We will sail through the Coral Sea, visit Bali, Malaysia, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Then off to Maldives, Madacascar and finally South Africa. From South Africa, we head north, eventually getting into the Med. Then its across the Atlantic to the Carribean, through the Panama Canal, Hawaii and back to Seattle.

Along the way we will blog about the #places we visit.


We hope to meet many lovely people on our travels, including those that live in the places we visit and fellow explorers too. With Lillie onboard, we expect to attract other kid boats. By having a catamaran we understand our boat will be the popular congregation point. We also hope that our friends and family will meet up and sail with us as we travel around the world.

We plan to tell you about the #people we meet.


Spice has already sailed with Dolphins at night that left white glowing streaks as they raced past her hulls. She was chased by sea lions trying to catch her troll line, and she was met with whales before turning into Puget Sound. As we travel with Spice around the world, we will see many sea animals (sanimals) and other animals of all types.

We will share with you the #sanimals we meet.


Spice is a relatively new boat, but a boat just the same. Even new boats need work and upgrades. To prepare for our cirumnavigation, we need to add lots of solar. For creature comforts, we want a washing machine and a heater. Then there are all of the things that need to be fixed. We’ve already dealt with leaky hatches, worn out rigging and broken engines.

#boat will keep you apprised of our projects.

Ships Logs

Ships logs are often (and hopefully) mundane, but they form an important record of the journey. Our ships logs will likley include personal ancedotes in bite-sized chunks. They won’t require nearly the effort of a full post, so they will be more frequent.

You can find the very lastest updates in #shipslogs

Welcome to our blog

Thanks for reading and we look forward to sharing more with you. - Nate, Sarah & Lillie